Monterey Municipal Wharf #2

Public Pier — No Fishing License Required The floating docks of Monterey Harbor and the pilings beneath Municipal Wharf II provide a rich and diverse community created largely by human activity. Such communities have imaginatively been called “accidental zoos.”… At low tide the pilings, shaded…

Sausalito Pier

Public Pier — No Fishing License Required CURRENTLY CLOSED There was a time, in my lifetime no less, when things seemed much simpler and things could get done on a timely basis.  Those days seem over. This small pier is an example of the frustration that…

Onespot Fringehead

Kelpfishes and Fringeheads: Family Clinidae Alternate Names: Fringehead or onespot. Called tubícola mancha singular or blenia in Mexico. Identification: Typical slender blenny-shape, but with a large head and a very large mouth. Their long dorsal fin extends from the rear of the head almost to…

Goleta Pier

Public Pier — No Fishing License Required “Proceeding down the length of Goleta Pier is almost like walking along a rustic, folk version of a Parisian quay… The course along the pier is full of events and interest. There’s much that’s worth pausing over and…