Torpedo Wharf Possible Closure


Active Member
There was word recently that Torpedo Wharf will be closed for renovation early next year. I emailed the Presidio Trust to see if the rumors were true and to find out if they had a start and completion date for the work. Their reply was that the project is being handled by the National Park Service. They forwarded my inquiry to the NPS, but I haven't received a reply yet.


Active Member
According to a Park Service employee, the work will focus on resurfacing the pier's deck. Over the decades it's become a mass of cracking and heaving asphalt.

And with a project of this kind on a pier with that much wear, tear and age, there's always a chance that they may find other problems that need to be addressed. And of course that would result in a delayed reopening. Anyone that's fished there knows the pier has plenty of issues regarding safety.

My personal feeling is that we'll be fortunate if the pier is available next season.


Well-Known Member
I always liked this pier. Was the first place and time I ever used a hoop net at a learning session sponsored by the DFG.

It was later that same day, about 4 or 5 hours after the class where it was explicitly stated about not keeping dungies, the
penalty for doing so, and how to ID rock crab and dungeness crab, that a ranger showed up and spot checked everyone.
There was a group that was busted and cited with a 5 gallon bucket that probably had 30 undersized dungeness caught
inside the SF bay... Very hefty fine if they hit them with the max possible (back then something like $800 per-crab was
how it was worded I think).


Active Member
Found some information on a Federal Contractor Website:

GOGA 222626 Rehabilitate Torpedo Wharf Phase I, Golden Gate National Recreation Area, San Fransico, California.
"This project is Phase I of a larger project that will rehabilitate the deteriorated superstructure (piles, pile caps and structural deck) and surface pavement and includes rehabilitating the existing fendering and bullrails; adding new safety railings and rescue ladders; and installing reinforcement and protective coating to the under deck of the trestle/approach/wharf for Torpedo Wharf, located at Crissy Field, Golden Gate National Recreation Area. The structure is of an historic nature.ifornia. The work of Phase I (this project) includes concrete underdeck rehabilitation to the deck and pile cabs between the shore and eighth abutment; removal of existing asphalt surface for the entire wharf; rehabilitation of the concrete top deck and curb for the entire wharf; replacement of the approach trestle construction joints; replacement of the wharf bullrail; installation of guardrailing and ladders; resurfacing of the deck of the entire wharf; and site restoration as necessary."

There was no date given for construction to begin or how long construction will take. Additional information about the work suggested that it may have to take place during the winter, and of course there would be potential delays due to weather.
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