I think the only rules are the general invertebrate rules in 29.05 and the rules of 29.80 regarding gear and method of take. As I understand it that means you can use any ordinary "crab" method of take (hands and legal crab traps), there is no season, and the limit is 35. By 29.05(a), the door is specifically open for all invertebrates unless otherwise closed by other language in the regs.
I think it is a little more restricted than that:
(b) Take of all invertebrates is prohibited within state marine reserves. Take of certain invertebrates
may be prohibited within state marine parks and state marine conservation areas as per sub-section
In addition, tidal invertebrates may not be taken in any tidepool or other areas between the
high tide mark (defned as Mean Higher High Tide) and 1,000 feet seaward and lateral to the low tide
mark (defned as Mean Lower Low Water) except as follows:
(1) Except where prohibited within state marine reserves, state marine parks, state marine
conservation areas, or other special closures
only the following may be taken: red abalone, limpets,
moon snails, turban snails, chiones, clams, cockles, mussels, rock scallops, native oysters, octopuses,
squid, crabs, lobsters, shrimp, sand dollars, sea urchins and worms except that no worms may be taken
in any mussel bed, unless taken incidental to the harvesting of mussels.
This does not change your answer about spider crabs, since crabs are in the list, but it does limit invertebrates that can be taken from or close to the shore.