It’s been years since I looked at this site. It used to be my go to site for local fishing info. I posted hundreds if not more posts up to 2019, and now I see this site as very unwieldy with a profusion of advertising to avoid to get to the posts.
I used to log on through my computer but tried on my phone now and just can’t/don’t want to navigate through all the advertisements blocking access.
Sad because the owner of the site used to proclaim how advertising was not allowed and that the site was for the fishing folk. Guess that’s over! End of rant; I mean no ill will to anyone.
I used to log on through my computer but tried on my phone now and just can’t/don’t want to navigate through all the advertisements blocking access.
Sad because the owner of the site used to proclaim how advertising was not allowed and that the site was for the fishing folk. Guess that’s over! End of rant; I mean no ill will to anyone.