PFIC site

It’s been years since I looked at this site. It used to be my go to site for local fishing info. I posted hundreds if not more posts up to 2019, and now I see this site as very unwieldy with a profusion of advertising to avoid to get to the posts.
I used to log on through my computer but tried on my phone now and just can’t/don’t want to navigate through all the advertisements blocking access.
Sad because the owner of the site used to proclaim how advertising was not allowed and that the site was for the fishing folk. Guess that’s over! End of rant; I mean no ill will to anyone.


Well-Known Member
Charro1, I have to tell you, your posting initially rubbed me the wrong way, but I think your argument may have some basis.
Believe me, I loved the original board. The new board took some getting used to.
Since then, I've moved from SoCal and I live in a place where the temp is -8° as I type this and falling.
The closest saltwater pier is over 12 hours away by car. So why am I still here?
This site is about more than just pier fishing. Some things have changed, but there's plenty to glean.
I recently met an elderly guy here in my town who came from SoCal like me. Turns out he didn't live too far from where I grew up. He spent a lot of his vital years fishing saltwater in retirement.
I asked him to name his favorite tackle store and he said, "That's easy, Sav-On Tackle in Santa Fe Springs!" That was my tackle store. Small world.
Now, I'm a retired guy, myself. My wife and I moved to be with my grandkids and their folks.
I stay on this board to keep up with folks who are still fishing the piers of my youth. I haven't actually posted a report in years. Times change.
I still like reading the reports. Hope to see yours here in the future.

Ken Jones

Staff member
I too do not like all the advertising but it seems to a degree that the amount depends upon the browser you are using. I use Firefox and see little advertising but if I go to some browsers (i.e., Safari ) it seems you are overwhelmed. I have asked Rich to see what he could do. As far as no advertising, I wish we could do it but we need something to pay the bills. We have a donation link but basically get nothing from it and we do not get any reimbursements from tackle companies or baitshops. I am not up on the best solution, but I think some browsers have a no advertising feature; perhaps some of you better versed in such things have suggestions?

Donate to Pier Fishing in California to help us bring you more content!


Active Member
when I log in through a desktop (firefox) I don't see any popups or much else ads for that matter. However, when I log in through my phone, it's pretty awful. I remember someone mentioning that you can adjust the settings for safari to reduce the amount of tailored ads we get when using the handheld devices.


Well-Known Member
Any of these plans cover your server requirements?

There are lots of CMS systems that you can install on them using pre-built docker images. I learned docker
by playing with a VPS and various images, as well as some diy tutorials for customizing installation of
some images (although I haven't done anything with it in so long that I would need to go basically redo the
tutorials again).

The site is basically unusable on Chrome or most mobile browsers from the horrible pervasiveness of the ads
and popups. Firefox has built-in ad blocking which is a shame that it is needed. I have no problem with ads
that don't invade the screen etc. and would rather contribute to site monetization in that manner (and if the
ads are done well they will potentially be related to the site content and thereby actually something I may be
interested in).
I'm on firefox and brave on desktop, duckduckgo on mobile and I see no popups, have no problem with ads. Sounds like OP needs to figure out how to use their browser settings properly to get it to work the way they want. If they have a problem with pop ups and ads, then they have that same problem on every other website.