My thoughts on current situation with Wuhan virus


New member
Took a little drive down hwy 1 Wednesday from my bunker in the Santa Cruz Mtn foothills to see what's up. Moss Landing boat launch open and quite a few trucks and trailers there. Parking lots of beaches closed but plenty of parking outside the lot was being used.

Glad to see people ignoring the Draconian restrictions. The idea that we are not capable of going about our normal lives safely, maintaining some distance, not touching faces, is ridiculous. But typically the government always knows how to run our lives best.

My guess is that when this whole mess is over, we will see that the blanket shutdown of the economy and quarantine of healthy people were tragic over reactions. But I could be wrong.

And remember this pain next time you go buy something made in the Peoples Republic of China. You are helping to enable an evil government that is determined to rule the world. If you think that's an exaggeration, then you are appallingly ignorant.



Well-Known Member
Disagree with the first part as people have already proven multiple times they actually cannot be trusted to stay apart. Agree with the second part that history will probably show we might have overreacted a little bit. China is a growing monster we have done nothing but support for close to 50 years now. And nonsense is all in the eyes of the beholder. We are all spewing opinions which are not facts on this stuff.


Well-Known Member
I would rather everyone overreact, as you call it, and be safe and not sick. And enough with your bigotry calling it wuhan/china/chinese virus. Not cool. If you want to go out and lick toilet bowls, go for it. And stop trying to talk people into joining your demise.
And do you realize it is the choice of American companies to manufacture their products in other countries?
All of the childish complainers need to stop and listen for once to scientific and medical professionals.
and no, i am not from China, but i am still offended, and im sure others are as well.


New member
Another person incapable of writing without insulting.

Most viruses have been named for their origin, but the communist government of China was able to avoid this by twisting arms. You can call me a bigot if you want, but anyone who knows me, knows that I accept all people. I'm fine with international trade with responsible players. What I can't accept is the Chinese government which does not have benevolent intent in the world. The Chinese people are wonderful, but the government is evil. The biggest threat to the world since Hitler. Mark my words, we are headed for some dangerous times with China put into a corner by the world.


Well-Known Member
Another person incapable of writing without insulting.

Most viruses have been named for their origin, but the communist government of China was able to avoid this by twisting arms. You can call me a bigot if you want, but anyone who knows me, knows that I accept all people. I'm fine with international trade with responsible players. What I can't accept is the Chinese government which does not have benevolent intent in the world. The Chinese people are wonderful, but the government is evil. The biggest threat to the world since Hitler. Mark my words, we are headed for some dangerous times with China put into a corner by the world.
It's amazing to see how apathetic most people are when it comes to the biggest threat to the world that has ever existed. I'm moving on.
First a bit of background: When there is a new post, I get an email. Few days ago I got one, but I cannot find it in my deleted emails. It was from Skipper Jones.
It said something like due to lack of fishing and being stuck at home, we are all a bit edgy. Let’s move on.

I thought it would be in this thread, and even figured he locked the thread

However, I do not see it here. Thus, I was merely repeating his direction.

As to ----“how apathetic most people are when it comes to the biggest threat to the world”, you are mistaken. How could anyone stuck in home for this long and watching 24 hr. coverage on TV be apathetic.
It is just that we all have strong opinions on this matter and believe you me, you don’t want to get the board started on discussing it.

Mahigeer moving on (conditionally).
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First a bit of background: When there is a new post, I get an email. Few days ago I got one, but I cannot find it in my deleted emails. It was from Skipper Jones.
It said something like due to lack of fishing and being stock at home, we are all a bit edgy. Let’s move on.

I thought it would be in this thread, and even figured he locked the thread

However, I do not see it here. Thus, I was merely repeating his direction.

As to ----“how apathetic most people are when it comes to the biggest threat to the world”, you are mistaken. How could anyone stuck in home for this long and watching 24 hr. coverage on TV be apathetic.
It is just that we all have strong opinions on this matter and believe you me, you don’t want to get the board started on discussing it.

Mahigeer moving on (conditionally).
this? " Guys I suggest we move on. We're all suffering from the closures but it doesn't do much good to be arguing who's right given little is going to change. As when fishing with some buddies whose political views are 180 degrees from mine, we just stick to fishing and leave the arguments to other places (boards). Probably good to do the same here." on p2 of the closed piers thread

Brock Norris

Well-Known Member
this? " Guys I suggest we move on. We're all suffering from the closures but it doesn't do much good to be arguing who's right given little is going to change. As when fishing with some buddies whose political views are 180 degrees from mine, we just stick to fishing and leave the arguments to other places (boards). Probably good to do the same here." on p2 of the closed piers thread