M Street Pier/Dock 5/8/22


Well-Known Member
Went to a get together with friends at the Newport Dunes Resort. The resort has a beach where you can launch kayaks and paddle boards. We saw a few good size fish jumping out of the water however fishing is prohibited there from the beach so I sat nervously tapping my foot and doing my best to engage in conversations while eyeing the water the whole time watching fish jump.

Left the party around 5:30PM and headed to the little M Street dock/pier close to the Newport Jetty. It was much more crowded today than the first time I was here. Surprisingly I saw my friend Jeremy who I've been taking fishing every Tuesday. He had the same idea as me and independently decided to fish at the same place. There were 7 of us crowded on this small boat dock with a couple anglers fishing more than one rod. Everyone was very courteous and friendly and there were no issues with line crossing.

Right at the bottom on the dock there was a steady bite of salema. A few schools of very good size mackerel showed up and added to the excitement. There were also a handful of short calicos caught and one barely legal calico which was caught on a sabiki baited with chunks of frozen anchovy.

Because we are right on the water, it was exciting to be able to see the action near the dock. A couple times a friend of mine was chumming some bread and we saw the salema gather to get the bread. The chumming also attracted a small group of larger mackerel. One a couple occasions slowly retrieving a hook salema attracted a couple decent sized barracuda that examine the struggling salema but did not strike.

After the sun went down the bite slowed. Salema were still around but biting much less assertively. There was a small to medium sized horn shark caught on a carolina rig with a 3 ounce egg sinker and a big piece of squid cast out pretty far into the channel. Another round sting ray was also caught at night.

Stopped fishing at 10PM.
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Well-Known Member
Went to a get together with friends at the Newport Dunes Resort. The resort has a beach where you can launch kayaks and paddle boards. We saw a few good size fish jumping out of the water however fishing is prohibited there from the beach
Not sure it's legal to prohibit you from fishing on the beach...
California law regarding fishing:
https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/codes_displaySection.xhtml?lawCode=CONS§ionNum=Section 25.&article=I

Public beaches in California:
(I believe defined somewhere in here)

Lots of legal things always going on about the right to access the coast line, but where you have access it's pretty clear that
it's NOT legal to prohibit fishing.

** Disclaimer!!! I'm not a lawyer and if you fish where "no fishing" is posted you need to pay your own legal bills


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the insight. I think the beach we were on was a private beach owned by the Newport Dunes Resort.

Not sure it's legal to prohibit you from fishing on the beach...
California law regarding fishing:
https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/codes_displaySection.xhtml?lawCode=CONS§ionNum=Section 25.&article=I

Public beaches in California:
(I believe defined somewhere in here)

Lots of legal things always going on about the right to access the coast line, but where you have access it's pretty clear that
it's NOT legal to prohibit fishing.

** Disclaimer!!! I'm not a lawyer and if you fish where "no fishing" is posted you need to pay your own legal bills


Well-Known Member
I have fished that beach at the dunes. My dad and called it quits after catching 20 round stingrays in 30 minutes between the 2 of us. Could not get through them to catch anything else.