Live bait bucket the easy way to retrieve a piece of live bait

So you have a cast net and can catch shiners smelt and anchovies ect you put them in your bucket and lower it to the water, So now you want to pull your bucket out of the water and re bait your rig 3 gallons of water is almost 30 lbs 5 gallons is even more then you have to use a net or your hand to catch your replacement. Here is my bait bucket a very old no longer with us fisherman showed me. When I pull my bucket up all the water drains out and your bait is sitting on the bottom grab a fresh piece of bait and toss your bucket back into the water 20200730_214025.jpg 20200730_214033.jpg 20200730_214020.jpg
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Well-Known Member
Nice work guys! I always just use a bucket (with no holes), battery powered bubbler, aquarium net. I dont leave my bucket in the water, the sea lions are too smart around here.