I don’t know why but I have not gone out to pay my visits to local piers but have been called to step into mountains lately. I visited a local SoCal stream to play with native rainbows and most recently managed to escape the heat into the eastern sierras. It was full of aspen foliage. So many folks were there just to admire them.
I met up with a friend from Oakland to camp there and fish the streams and some lakes. I managed to complete my goal of Sierra grand slam to catch four trout species in a single day. It’s a silly game but you do have to do good research to be able to do this since there are not too many places to do this. Here are brown,
And some rainbows above the south lake
Further into high altitude the treasure lake and its outlet holds golden and golden rainbow hybrids. I landed a few that look more like golden.
We back tracked the treasure lake trail then went back up toward the bishop pass. Within a mile, an off shoot trail took us to Marie Louise lake
There we found plenty of hungry brook trout. Usually they are stunted and very lean but this year I found them well fed!
I love their fall color so vivid. They are pretty small as you see but size really don’t matter when fishing these area to me. Next day my friend who just started fishing flies exercised his luck well and found the best 16 inch fat rainbow
This fish fed his family ver well back in Oakland. He took off early and I was going to stay another night but something moved my heart and decided to take off at whim. Right after I finish packing up my camp, it started to rain. Felt good to be together with nature so I knew when to leave.
I met up with a friend from Oakland to camp there and fish the streams and some lakes. I managed to complete my goal of Sierra grand slam to catch four trout species in a single day. It’s a silly game but you do have to do good research to be able to do this since there are not too many places to do this. Here are brown,
And some rainbows above the south lake
Further into high altitude the treasure lake and its outlet holds golden and golden rainbow hybrids. I landed a few that look more like golden.
We back tracked the treasure lake trail then went back up toward the bishop pass. Within a mile, an off shoot trail took us to Marie Louise lake
There we found plenty of hungry brook trout. Usually they are stunted and very lean but this year I found them well fed!
I love their fall color so vivid. They are pretty small as you see but size really don’t matter when fishing these area to me. Next day my friend who just started fishing flies exercised his luck well and found the best 16 inch fat rainbow
This fish fed his family ver well back in Oakland. He took off early and I was going to stay another night but something moved my heart and decided to take off at whim. Right after I finish packing up my camp, it started to rain. Felt good to be together with nature so I knew when to leave.