Any interest in PFIC Get Togethers?

Ken Jones

Staff member
For years we held a number of UPSAC Get Togethers and most were well attended. I am wondering how many of you would be interested if we could set up some PFIC Get Togethers for 2020?

I am thinking of the following locations and rough dates:

San Diego — Ocean Beach Pier or Oceanside Pier — summer
Orange County — San Clemente or Seal Beach Pier — summer
Los Angeles — Hermosa Beach Pier — summer
South Central Coast — Pismo Beach or Cayucos Pier — summer
North Central Coast — Santa Cruz Wharf — summer
Bay Area — Paradise Beach Pier — August (Sunday after Marin Rod & Gun Club's Kids Derby)

We can work on further details once we know a sufficient number of people would be interested.

Red Fish

Senior Member
Yes, of course. Do you plan to make all of them? The one’s at Paradise and Marin are around the corner. I’m game if there is big game at some of the one’s like Hermosa. Gaviota and Malibu had some real nice thresher fishing. And a Catalina trip for yellowtail and big calico is always nice.
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Ken Jones

Staff member
If we set them up, I will be there. As for big game, that's always an iffy question; there are always some sharks and rays around but the numbers, the size, and actually catching them is something different. Gaviota is still closed while Malibu sees continued animosity btween the anglers and the shops out at the end that try to block off fishing areas. Catalina? The Mole is close but there are always boats available — at a cost.

Red Fish

Senior Member
If we set them up, I will be there. As for big game, that's always an iffy question; there are always some sharks and rays around but the numbers, the size, and actually catching them is something different. Gaviota is still closed while Malibu sees continued animosity btween the anglers and the shops out at the end that try to block off fishing areas. Catalina? The Mole is close but there are always boats available — at a cost.

Red Fish

Senior Member
What, the Catalina Mole and the Green Pleasure Pier are closed indefinitely?! Has the place all of a sudden become closed to shore fishing?

Okay, I remember you mentioning the situation at Malibu, and I guess the money has not come around to Gaviota.

I am just being ambitious with the big game but you never know. I have seen some big sevengill and other stuff online that have been caught from the surf along the central and southern shoreline (looks like mostly night). Could be somewhere like Oceanside.

A lot has changed with fishing piers and I am wondering if some of the piers I am thinking will reopen are “gone but not forgotten.”
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Well-Known Member
What, the Catalina Mole and the Green Pleasure Pier are closed indefinitely?! Has the place all of a sudden become closed to shore fishing?

Okay, I remember you mentioning the situation at Malibu, and I guess the money has not come around to Gaviota.

I am just be ambitious with the big game but you never know. I have seen some big sevengill and other stuff online that have been caught from the surf along the central and southern shoreline (looks like mostly night). Could be somewhere like Oceanside.

A lot has changed with fishing piers and I am wondering if some of the piers I am thinking will reopen are “gone but not forgotten.”
Almost all of the socal gills are caught towards or after dark. San diego beaches and ventura to carpenteria seem to be the hot spots. A few at doheny, but not much in the OC area. Also some in santa monica bay.

Ken Jones

Staff member
The Cabrillo Mole at Avalon is being repaired (some would say rebuilt) and we have not been able to get a firm target date for its reopening.

The Green Pleasure Pier at Avalon remains open but with the loss of the Mole can be too crowded at times. It can, at night, produce some big rays.

The problem at Malibu is that the restaurant at the end ,and to some degree the shop on the left side, block access to parts of the pier and the end section has always been where the "sharkers" set up for the threshers. Pier management has generally taken the side of the shop/restaurant over the anglers (due in part to the problems caused by some anglers). It's an ongoing fight over access to the end of the pier.

Gaviota, which is one of the best if not the best pier in the state for large sharks, remains closed to state inefficiency. While the state finds money for a 1001 other uses it has been unable to find the money to repair the pier for, i think, about five years now. They keep saying it will reopen next year but next year never seems to come...

If the Mole were to reopen or Gaviota, or even Seacliff (which is a mess) all would be good sites for get togethers.

We also had good turnouts when we had derbies at the Cabrillo Pier in San Pedro so perhaps that is another option (although the action can be hot or cold).


Well-Known Member
Sounds like fun! I can prob make it out to LA and OC piers, and maybe SD or Central ones also. But since I work 6 days a week, i can only fish Sundays. But dont let that change any plans for anyone else. Hopefully we can get some good size meetings at those piers!

Ken Jones

Staff member
So far it sounds like we have possible commitments for the following:

Orange County - 5
Los Angeles - 5
NorCen (Santa Cruz) - 2
Bay Area - 4

Given that some people inevitably drop out, I would like to see a commitment for at least 12 at a site before I spend the time working out the various details/needs for a get together. Please continue to enter your names if you're interested.