Henry David Thoreau said it this way, "Many men go fishing all of their lives without knowing that it is not fish they are after." For the commercial fisherman, it is a living he is after. It is money to have a home and to feed his family. For the sport fisherman it is often the getting away or the solitude of a mountain stream.
People often think "they are going fishing", but in reality they are seeking something that fulfills their life and their dreams.
It's a stress reliever to be out on the water away from everyone. I fish mostly secluded places (hard to find now), and avoid piers and easily accessible places for the most part. Oh yeah, that tug on the end of the line is also a reason why I go out there when I have time!
1) I like eating fish 2) it's really fun 3) there something so satifying about figuring out all of the correct variables to successfully get a fish to bite and then having the correct physical attributes to successfully hook them and land them
oh and 4) it looks so easy on youtube