Where do fish go during low tide?

Curious to know if perch go a lot farther back into deeper water or they just feed where the closest available troughs are. I guess this also applies for striped bass as well but I'm aware that they're movement patterns are far less understood. Any thoughts / articles would be appreciated.
Curious to know if perch go a lot farther back into deeper water or they just feed where the closest available troughs are. I guess this also applies for striped bass as well but I'm aware that they're movement patterns are far less understood. Any thoughts / articles would be appreciated.
I'm guessing that perch would travel into deeper water, as I've seen people catching limits of Barred Surfperch in the past at Huntington Beach Pier just past the restrooms during low tide on mussels.


Well-Known Member
The surf perch typically just move in and out with the tides staying at the same water depth. Non surf fish do not seem to be as effected movement wise by it unless it is a really large tide. Some species will definitely bite or not bite depending on the tides though.