From Pier Fishing In California, 2nd Edition
California Currents—The Angler-Scientist
Two questions about California's saltwater fishing have always interested me: why are different fish found along different parts of the coast and why do different times of the year show such differences in fishing success—or lack of success? The answer to the first question is fairly easy, the second demands a more complex explanation.
For geography and species association the primary answer is water temperature. California’s warm-water species, fish like yellowtail, barracuda and corbina, are rarely found in the colder waters found north of Point Conception. Cold-water species like salmon are rarely found in the warmer waters south of the point (although the overlapping of northern and southern species does sometimes occur, for two quite different reasons).
As to angling success and time of the year? In California, saltwater fishing tends to start improving during the late spring and peaks in the late fall. Why? One answer is again water temperature, at least for southern California. Summer waters are warmer and see an influx of fish from Mexican waters. For pier anglers this means more pelagic species like bonito and barracuda. Another reason is that the summer water is much richer with food and where there is more food there are more fish. That sounds simple. But why is there more food (plankton) in these waters spring through fall? What are the conditions that create this situation? California's marine waters are primarily influenced by two factors—the offshore currents and the prevailing wind patterns—and these provide the answers to the puzzle.
To the north, along the northern and central California coast, water temperature is influenced by the California Current and the California Undercurrent. The California Current is a strong southward flowing current that has already passed though the cold-water areas of Alaska, Washington and Oregon. This cold-water current warms as it flows south (paralleling the north-south orientation which is common to most of California’s coast)—but it is still primarily a cold-water current. The slightly warmer undercurrent flows northward, inshore of and beneath the California Current.
At Point Conception, the coastline begins an east-west orientation while the California Current continues its southward flow. As a result, the cold water is now carried out, away from the coast into deeper waters. A different, northward flowing, warmer-water current, called the Southern California Countercurrent, hugs the coast and becomes dominant, especially in the waters of the Santa Barbara Channel, the waters most commonly used by Southern California's recreational fishermen.
These currents are the primary influences on water temperature and explain why different species are found in different areas. In essence, the California angler is faced with water that is cool (or cold) north of Point Conception and water that is warmer south of the Point.
Pier waters in the south, being inshore (and influenced by the Southern California Countercurrent) typically have somewhat warm water reflecting the cold-north, warm-south conditions. As a result, Southern California piers rarely yield up northern species to its anglers. However, the deeper, offshore waters in southern California (especially where influenced by the California Current) will be colder and more approximate that of northern areas. This is why deeper waters in southern California will sometimes yield cold-water fish common to shallower waters north of Point Conception, fish such as lingcod.
As a general rule, California’s cold-water species are found where water temperatures do not exceed 55 to 60 degrees Fahrenheit for extended periods of time. Warm-water species do tolerate warmer temperatures and (for some reason) are better able to endure considerable periods of cold water. Thus at times warm-water species will be found in cold-water areas (such as finding garibaldi and kelp bass in Monterey Bay) while it is rare to find cold-water species in southern California (again, except for the deeper and colder-water areas.)
But, water temperatures are not the only answer to the question of why fishing is better during certain months. The conditions resulting from the water currents, and differences in water temperature, are modified by an additional process called upwelling. This upwelling, as seen in California, is fairly unique, being limited to four temperate areas of the world, the so-called eastern boundary regions (California, the west coast of South Africa, the Canary Island region, and the Peru-Chile coast). This condition is caused by California’s seasonal wind patterns and explains why ocean waters are sometimes rich with food while at other times they may be nearly barren. Generally starting about March, northwesterly winds and the earth’s rotation cause surface waters to be driven away from the shore and to be replaced by cold, rich water pulled up from the deep continental shelf. This upwelling is common along most of California’s coast and is especially prevalent north of Point Conception in areas where there are headlands or where there is a sheer coast.
The water rising from the depths brings with it decayed organic material that has sunk to the ocean’s floor (and which has not been utilized by plants since few plants exist in the dark deep-water areas). This nutrient-rich water (which contains phosphates, nitrates, and silicates as well as other nutrients) reaches the well-lighted surface areas and stimulates a tremendous growth of tiny plants, algae called phytoplankton. As summer nears, this plant growth blooms and waters can be darkened by billions and billions of emerging plants. Winter storms are now over, sunlight lasts longer, and surface waters are warmed. These changes also create ideal conditions and food for the second important planktonic organisms, small animal organisms called zooplankton (tiny jellyfish, shrimp-like krill, copepods, and larvae of many species including fish).
This synergistic explosion of vegetable and animal organisms creates a rich and nurturing bouillabaisse of food that gives sustenance to small fish such as anchovies, herring and sardines (as well as large organisms like whales). These small fish attract the larger fish. Along with the growth of the smaller plants (phytoplankton), larger algae in the form of kelp also grow during these nutrient rich-sunlight rich months. This kelp, which can be dense around some piers by late summer, provides additional food and shelter for fish.
An additional factor, most evident in southern California, is that this upwelled water is not only cold but also low in oxygen and high in salts. As a result, there is a change in fish distribution; fish are more concentrated in inshore areas (top to bottom) and upper level offshore areas. A number of species that spend part of the year in deeper offshore waters move into inshore waters—like that around piers. Offshore, there are concentrations of bait and pelagic species.
Generally around September California's northwesterly winds begin to subside, cold upwelled water begins to sink, and phytoplankton and zooplankton populations begin to decrease. At the same time, surface water temperatures now reach their highest levels and southern California anglers may see their top fishing for the warm-water pelagic species. This condition, called the oceanic period, lasts till about the end of October when water temperatures begin to cool.
In winter, southwesterly winds dominate along California's coast. One result is a northward flowing surface current which begins north of Point Conception and flows along the coast inshore of the California Current. This current is called the Davidson Current and represents the surface manifestation of the California Countercurrent (which normally flows under the California Current). This means that in winter there can actually be more warm water flowing north than in the summer. However, there is much less sunlight and little upwelling during the late fall to spring months. Correspondingly there is less phytoplankton and zooplankton, the tiny organisms that are so important for the growth of fish populations.
For most of the California coast, fishing will be best when there is a good population of plankton (or food) in the water and when fish are attracted and concentrated by this food. As shown, the plankton populations (both phytoplankton and zooplankton) begin to improve as upwelling begins in March, peak around September, and show a serious decline by November. Piers generally see their best fishing in the late summer to fall months and see, especially at southern California piers, a continued success till October or even November for the warm-water loving pelagic species. Schools of bonito, barracuda, and mackerel follow the schools of plankton-seeking anchovies, sardines, and other small fish.
California Currents—The Angler-Scientist
Two questions about California's saltwater fishing have always interested me: why are different fish found along different parts of the coast and why do different times of the year show such differences in fishing success—or lack of success? The answer to the first question is fairly easy, the second demands a more complex explanation.
For geography and species association the primary answer is water temperature. California’s warm-water species, fish like yellowtail, barracuda and corbina, are rarely found in the colder waters found north of Point Conception. Cold-water species like salmon are rarely found in the warmer waters south of the point (although the overlapping of northern and southern species does sometimes occur, for two quite different reasons).
As to angling success and time of the year? In California, saltwater fishing tends to start improving during the late spring and peaks in the late fall. Why? One answer is again water temperature, at least for southern California. Summer waters are warmer and see an influx of fish from Mexican waters. For pier anglers this means more pelagic species like bonito and barracuda. Another reason is that the summer water is much richer with food and where there is more food there are more fish. That sounds simple. But why is there more food (plankton) in these waters spring through fall? What are the conditions that create this situation? California's marine waters are primarily influenced by two factors—the offshore currents and the prevailing wind patterns—and these provide the answers to the puzzle.
To the north, along the northern and central California coast, water temperature is influenced by the California Current and the California Undercurrent. The California Current is a strong southward flowing current that has already passed though the cold-water areas of Alaska, Washington and Oregon. This cold-water current warms as it flows south (paralleling the north-south orientation which is common to most of California’s coast)—but it is still primarily a cold-water current. The slightly warmer undercurrent flows northward, inshore of and beneath the California Current.
• General water temperatures: Oregon Border to San Francisco
Winter: 46 to 50 degrees Fahrenheit
Summer: 52 to 58 degrees Fahrenheit
Winter: 46 to 50 degrees Fahrenheit
Summer: 52 to 58 degrees Fahrenheit
• General water temperatures: San Francisco to Point Conception
Winter: 48 to 53 degrees Fahrenheit
Summer: 52 to 64 degrees Fahrenheit
Winter: 48 to 53 degrees Fahrenheit
Summer: 52 to 64 degrees Fahrenheit
At Point Conception, the coastline begins an east-west orientation while the California Current continues its southward flow. As a result, the cold water is now carried out, away from the coast into deeper waters. A different, northward flowing, warmer-water current, called the Southern California Countercurrent, hugs the coast and becomes dominant, especially in the waters of the Santa Barbara Channel, the waters most commonly used by Southern California's recreational fishermen.
• General water temperatures: Point Conception to Mexican Border
Winter: 50 to 54 degrees Fahrenheit
Summer: 64 to 74 degrees Fahrenheit
Winter: 50 to 54 degrees Fahrenheit
Summer: 64 to 74 degrees Fahrenheit
These currents are the primary influences on water temperature and explain why different species are found in different areas. In essence, the California angler is faced with water that is cool (or cold) north of Point Conception and water that is warmer south of the Point.
Pier waters in the south, being inshore (and influenced by the Southern California Countercurrent) typically have somewhat warm water reflecting the cold-north, warm-south conditions. As a result, Southern California piers rarely yield up northern species to its anglers. However, the deeper, offshore waters in southern California (especially where influenced by the California Current) will be colder and more approximate that of northern areas. This is why deeper waters in southern California will sometimes yield cold-water fish common to shallower waters north of Point Conception, fish such as lingcod.
As a general rule, California’s cold-water species are found where water temperatures do not exceed 55 to 60 degrees Fahrenheit for extended periods of time. Warm-water species do tolerate warmer temperatures and (for some reason) are better able to endure considerable periods of cold water. Thus at times warm-water species will be found in cold-water areas (such as finding garibaldi and kelp bass in Monterey Bay) while it is rare to find cold-water species in southern California (again, except for the deeper and colder-water areas.)
But, water temperatures are not the only answer to the question of why fishing is better during certain months. The conditions resulting from the water currents, and differences in water temperature, are modified by an additional process called upwelling. This upwelling, as seen in California, is fairly unique, being limited to four temperate areas of the world, the so-called eastern boundary regions (California, the west coast of South Africa, the Canary Island region, and the Peru-Chile coast). This condition is caused by California’s seasonal wind patterns and explains why ocean waters are sometimes rich with food while at other times they may be nearly barren. Generally starting about March, northwesterly winds and the earth’s rotation cause surface waters to be driven away from the shore and to be replaced by cold, rich water pulled up from the deep continental shelf. This upwelling is common along most of California’s coast and is especially prevalent north of Point Conception in areas where there are headlands or where there is a sheer coast.
The water rising from the depths brings with it decayed organic material that has sunk to the ocean’s floor (and which has not been utilized by plants since few plants exist in the dark deep-water areas). This nutrient-rich water (which contains phosphates, nitrates, and silicates as well as other nutrients) reaches the well-lighted surface areas and stimulates a tremendous growth of tiny plants, algae called phytoplankton. As summer nears, this plant growth blooms and waters can be darkened by billions and billions of emerging plants. Winter storms are now over, sunlight lasts longer, and surface waters are warmed. These changes also create ideal conditions and food for the second important planktonic organisms, small animal organisms called zooplankton (tiny jellyfish, shrimp-like krill, copepods, and larvae of many species including fish).
This synergistic explosion of vegetable and animal organisms creates a rich and nurturing bouillabaisse of food that gives sustenance to small fish such as anchovies, herring and sardines (as well as large organisms like whales). These small fish attract the larger fish. Along with the growth of the smaller plants (phytoplankton), larger algae in the form of kelp also grow during these nutrient rich-sunlight rich months. This kelp, which can be dense around some piers by late summer, provides additional food and shelter for fish.
An additional factor, most evident in southern California, is that this upwelled water is not only cold but also low in oxygen and high in salts. As a result, there is a change in fish distribution; fish are more concentrated in inshore areas (top to bottom) and upper level offshore areas. A number of species that spend part of the year in deeper offshore waters move into inshore waters—like that around piers. Offshore, there are concentrations of bait and pelagic species.
Generally around September California's northwesterly winds begin to subside, cold upwelled water begins to sink, and phytoplankton and zooplankton populations begin to decrease. At the same time, surface water temperatures now reach their highest levels and southern California anglers may see their top fishing for the warm-water pelagic species. This condition, called the oceanic period, lasts till about the end of October when water temperatures begin to cool.
In winter, southwesterly winds dominate along California's coast. One result is a northward flowing surface current which begins north of Point Conception and flows along the coast inshore of the California Current. This current is called the Davidson Current and represents the surface manifestation of the California Countercurrent (which normally flows under the California Current). This means that in winter there can actually be more warm water flowing north than in the summer. However, there is much less sunlight and little upwelling during the late fall to spring months. Correspondingly there is less phytoplankton and zooplankton, the tiny organisms that are so important for the growth of fish populations.
For most of the California coast, fishing will be best when there is a good population of plankton (or food) in the water and when fish are attracted and concentrated by this food. As shown, the plankton populations (both phytoplankton and zooplankton) begin to improve as upwelling begins in March, peak around September, and show a serious decline by November. Piers generally see their best fishing in the late summer to fall months and see, especially at southern California piers, a continued success till October or even November for the warm-water loving pelagic species. Schools of bonito, barracuda, and mackerel follow the schools of plankton-seeking anchovies, sardines, and other small fish.