Upcoming events...

Ken Jones

Staff member
Some dates on upcoming events...

Kids Day on the Pier — Marin Rod and Gun Club in San Rafael — Saturday, August 26 — More information as I get it.

Public meeting #3 on the Ocean Beach Pier — Saturday, September 9 — Details to follow.

POSSIBLE Get Together at Catalina — Sunday, Oct. 22 — Decisions and more information as the date draws closer.

Ken Jones

Staff member
Looks like there is some event almost every weekend until at least November and that's pushing the date (and best fishing) back quite a bit.
Thinking next spring might be a better option.

The conflicts with crowding and corresponding increase in motel costs were one reason that the Get Togethers stopped back in the day. Perhaps some mid-week Get Togethers of smaller groups makes better sense?


Senior Member
Not all events are as popular with mainland visitors.

I will email Seacrest Inn manager to get more information.

Yes, no matter when we go the hotels rates, food, etc. will be higher than the mainland.