Undersized fish

One too many times where I see someone gaffing undersized halibut and then releasing back, is this how it's done? does that heal back properly? Also see undersized fish being caught and then being kept out of the water for far too long before being thrown back, same thing with gut hooking
One too many times where I see someone gaffing undersized halibut and then releasing back, is this how it's done?
Totally illegal. Fish should not be gaffed if it looks like a borderline keeper. There are some dummies who posted videos of themselves on YouTube gaffing potentially undersized fish. A lot of self-incriminating evidence there, bud. I wish wardens pose as regular fishermen. That's the only way they will ever see the nonsense that goes on out there.

28.65. GENERAL.

(d) No gaff hook shall be used to take or assist in landing any finfish shorter than the minimum size
limit. For the purpose of this section a gaff hook is any hook with or without a handle used to assist
in landing fish or to take fish in such a manner that the fish does not take the hook voluntarily in its
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