Sorta like the thread on alantani, let’s combine our knowledge and start a thread on all the cheap tricks that we use to improve quality of life when fishing. Sharing the common sense and knowledge that we’ve gained through years of fishing can really help the newer members of the pier fishing community and bring up ideas that we may have never thought of.
My trick: swap the snap on sabikis for a heavier brass safety snap and wrap around a pool noodle after rinsing and drying them to get the most out of your $2 investment. Also, heavier line on your sabikis lead to more manageable tangles when you have 5 fish on.
My trick: swap the snap on sabikis for a heavier brass safety snap and wrap around a pool noodle after rinsing and drying them to get the most out of your $2 investment. Also, heavier line on your sabikis lead to more manageable tangles when you have 5 fish on.