Tiburon 6/30


New member
I got to Elephant Rock pier at 2pm, tide was low and starting to come back in (next high was 8:30 that evening) It was very crowded and I considered leaving but I saw some rainbow perch in peoples' buckets and decided to stick around and try for one since I've only caught that kind once and don't have a photo of it. No luck on the perch unfortunately. While I was there I saw a ~4ft leopard shark landed as well as some of the usual small perch and rockfish in that area.

I left around 4:30 and went to Blackie's Pasture park to spend the rest of the day. Fished squid on a barbless circle with 2oz sliding weight. No bites for a couple hours, then a hit and fish on. It felt like a bat ray but without the initial burst of power I suspected it could be something else. Then as the fish neared shore I saw the brown tail with its triple lobed fin thrash above the surface. A shovelnose guitarfish, the first of its kind I had ever seen face to face. Released and called it a day (it was about 7pm by then)

Ken Jones

Staff member
There's been an increase in the catch of shovelnose in that area in the past ten years or so. Never saw them in the bay years ago.