Short fishing report

Ken Jones

Staff member
Although I had a very busy day planned on Saturday in San Diego the morning was free and I headed out to the Ocean Beach Pier.

I started at the end but found the fishing very slow. I saw two small kelp bass caught by others and only managed a senorita fish and jacksmelt myself. I then moved next to the cafe but fishing again was very slow and I noticed a reddish tinge in the water that was much more evident mid-pier than at the end. There were fish, lots of lizardfish, but that wasn't my goal so I cut the visit short.

Fished: 7:30-9:30

11 Lizardfish
1 Senorita
1 Jacksmelt

As said, it was slow. The only fish I saw caught on the entire pier were two kelp bass, one sand bass, two jack mackerel, and a few smelt. Perhaps it was due to red tide; hard to say.