Fished the surf zone this morning seeking croaker. Caught 1 Yellowfin croaker, 1 Sargo, and 1 short Sand bass, and 1 Mackerel. Fish hit on mussel and shrimp. Fish finder and hi/lo rigs used. About 9:30 Bonito showed up chasing baitfish. Caught 5 short limit bonito on sardine colored metal jig. Another fisherman using a homemade sabiki caught several bonito. The fish were in the 1 to 1 1/2 lb range. Pleasant surprise to run into the bonito.
A few Spotfin croaker in the 3 lb range caught on mussel by other fisherman fishing midpier.
A few Spotfin croaker in the 3 lb range caught on mussel by other fisherman fishing midpier.
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