Robert e Woolley pier 7/24

Reel Newbie

Well-Known Member
Skunked. Fished from 10 to 3, saw about 8 baby bat rays landed by the other guy with a bunch of kids on squid. Another guy was using live smelt he caught with a cast net and caught 2 smallish bat rays, losing one to a piling. Was using a rod with a fish finder and squid, then smelt, then changed to a herring. Probably should just stuck to squid from now.

Red Fish

Senior Member
Skunked. Fished from 10 to 3, saw about 8 baby bat rays landed by the other guy with a bunch of kids on squid. Another guy was using live smelt he caught with a cast net and caught 2 smallish bat rays, losing one to a piling. Was using a rod with a fish finder and squid, then smelt, then changed to a herring. Probably should just stuck to squid from now.
-I like that little pier located behind the Embassy Suites. Very convenient parking. Pretty much what I’ve seen caught there (and caught the few times I’ve fished it), bat rays and smelt.
-Even years ago, people always said, “you can catch really big “sting rays” behind the drive-in movies in Burlingame.”
-The habitat changes as you turn the corner to the right and head south. Near Kincaid’s and the showboat people have caught some 7 gill, striper, sturgeon, and a couple halibut going down and around through the Showboat, Fisherman’s Park, and finally the jetty-wall (public pier) at Coyote Point.
-Of course timing and time of year is everything. I know some people used to just keeping walking a good portion of that rockwall (jogging path) and cast swimbaits and other lures.
I've done my fair share of plugging that entire shoreline; never caught anything, and also learned to avoid the entire area in the afternoon as winds pick up.

I think the showboat and fishermen's park areas are now under construction. Last time I drove by on the 101, I saw some high rise office buildings in those spots.

EDIT: nevermind, those shoreline spots are still accessible. I just checked Google Maps and the office building is being built in the lot one block south:!1szas9kztfcyQ5R-F6k7XTFA!2e0!7i16384!8i8192