No conservation or history lecture this time around, short and simple:
Fished Lower Putah in Davis from 1-7 pm. The creek was still turbid (1-2 inches of visibility) and the water was up and fast. I started off throwing 3" Keitechs and football jigs for nothing until 3, then switched to carp fishing for two hours for little luck. Switched back to artificials, this time to a 1.75 inch squarebill to search more water and cut through the murk. On the second cast the crankbait got absolutely smoked by what turned out to be a big sac pikeminnow.
Big girl probably coming up to spawn, released.
I should have taken this as a sign to go home, as I fished the squarebill for nothing until I lost it in a tree at around 7 pm. Twelve bucks down the drain, and now 36 more since I ordered three more.
Hopefully with warming weather the bite turns on a little more, and the snowpack doesn't decide to melt and obliterate the Central Valley.
Fished Lower Putah in Davis from 1-7 pm. The creek was still turbid (1-2 inches of visibility) and the water was up and fast. I started off throwing 3" Keitechs and football jigs for nothing until 3, then switched to carp fishing for two hours for little luck. Switched back to artificials, this time to a 1.75 inch squarebill to search more water and cut through the murk. On the second cast the crankbait got absolutely smoked by what turned out to be a big sac pikeminnow.
Big girl probably coming up to spawn, released.
I should have taken this as a sign to go home, as I fished the squarebill for nothing until I lost it in a tree at around 7 pm. Twelve bucks down the drain, and now 36 more since I ordered three more.
Hopefully with warming weather the bite turns on a little more, and the snowpack doesn't decide to melt and obliterate the Central Valley.