Newest video — Hooping for Lobster at Avalon

Ken Jones

Staff member
You are the expert on hooping for the bugs. As such, you are the one deserving the thanks. I think you're knowledge and expertise is shown in the video.


Senior Member
Thanks again.

A lot of credit goes to the old timers on this site like Ben who posted about how to hoop net.

Using their advice, I put in the time and got better at it.

I just wish, we had some bug/s in the net.

Ken Jones

Staff member
Yes, people want to see the lobsters — or the fish — but unfortunately the timing wasn't the best for the bugs. Same when I was down at the Imperial Beach Pier. We had a limited amount of time to film and the bite died before I got a chance to fish. However, as we film later this spring and summer there should be more action.