Monday did not look very welcoming for a surf fishing expedition. It was drizzling in Oakland, and I assumed it would be as well on the Marin coast. I went anyway, trying to get an early start on the forecast 2 pm high tide. Sure enough, a good drizzle was in effect. Looking out to the horizon it looked promising, so I stuck around for 20 minutes or so, and sure enough, it stopped drizzling. Set up was the usual grubbing gear, and, on the first cast I caught a 7-8" BSP. I stayed at that hole until I had caught 4 or 5 perch, all about the same size. The bites were savage, but the perch were on the small size, time to move on. And I did, heading down the beach, hitting a hole here and there with similar results, smallish red tails and BSPs. After a couple hours of this, I needed a lunch break. I had not caught anything to take home and though fatigue was setting in I persevered. Caught a couple 10" or so red tails, full of fight. Walking up the beach, it was getting time to go home, the wind had picked up and I was starting to feel the first signs of hypothermia. I stuck around as long as I could since I was still catching fish two hours after the top of the tide. "One more cast...", but it was not to be, even though I caught 20+ perch, none took a ride home with me. After almost 4 hours of constant fishing was all I could take. Total blast and can't wait to do it again!