Ken Jones interviewed by NBC 7 on the OB Pier Renewal

Ken Jones

Staff member
i actually did three TV interviews, an interview with a reporter from the San Diego Union Tribune, and an interview for a video being done by the city. Hope they all turned out OK and that people remember it's above all else a fishing pier.

After the meeting Rich Reano, PFIC webmaster and video photographer for our Youtube videos, and I visited the Pepper Park Pier in National City and the Bayside Park Pier in Chula Vista and made two new Youtube videos. Given I had gone fishing at the Ocean Beach Pier in the morning before the meeting, it was a long and fun day

Ken Jones

Staff member
I tried. I just hope the end product reflects what we are trying to achive -- a fishing pier treasured by anglers and a pier also treasured and useable by the general population both locals and tourists.