Hueneme Pier Sunday (2/24)

SC McCarty

Well-Known Member
We got to Hueneme Pier about noon, just as the wind started picking up. As it got choppy, a fair amount of sediment got stirred up. Almost everyone was fishing the left side of the pier, rather than fighting the wind. Quite a few people were out with crab nets. One couple, using five nets, was very successful. They had a decent sized cooler half full of crabs, most were probably yellows, but there was at least one sheep crab.

I fished two lines, using muscles, a high/low rig and unweighted hooks under a bobber. I only caught two fish, a small jacksmelt and a smaller one, both off the bobber. The only other fish I saw caught were a larger (12 in?) jacksmelt and a small staghorn sculpin.
