Though showers were predicted, a friend and I went to Hueneme Pier, on Saturday. Some of the locals were making regular catches of small sardines. Most were using local or homemade jig lines without bait. The small hooks were tied with a few, fine, green, sparkly filaments.
I used mussels on a 3 hook leader, using size 10 hooks, and a jig line I had previously purchased at the pier. I think the jig line hooks were too large and tied with too many filaments. I got nothing on it. I was getting consistent bites on the baited hooks, and finally caught a couple of fish when I gave up on the jig line and paid more attention to the baited line. I only caught two jacksmelt, but both were reasonably nice, in the 12-14" range.
We left when we got chased off the pier by a sudden rain squall. It let up by the time we got to the car, but we were both drenched on the back by then. Because of the wind our fronts were still dry.
I used mussels on a 3 hook leader, using size 10 hooks, and a jig line I had previously purchased at the pier. I think the jig line hooks were too large and tied with too many filaments. I got nothing on it. I was getting consistent bites on the baited hooks, and finally caught a couple of fish when I gave up on the jig line and paid more attention to the baited line. I only caught two jacksmelt, but both were reasonably nice, in the 12-14" range.
We left when we got chased off the pier by a sudden rain squall. It let up by the time we got to the car, but we were both drenched on the back by then. Because of the wind our fronts were still dry.