A friend and I went to Hermosa Beach after reading about the bonito. We arrived at about 9:00 AM. I started with a triple dropper (size 6 & 8) baited with shrimp or squid fished off the bottom. My second rig was an unbaited, size 10, hand tied, sabiki, hoping for bait. At first, most of the action seemed to be on the other (north) side of the pier. After about an hour, I caught a 12 in(?) mackerel on the sabiki. While cleaning that fish, two more mackerel hit the bait rig. My friend also started getting mackerel. A short time later, I got multiple fish on my sabiki. I assumed they were more mackerel, but two of the three fish were 10 in bonito (my first). The other two flies on the rig were missing, so I had a full rig. After that I swapped the sabiki with a Krocodile, followed by a colt sniper with no success.
Over all I caught two bonito and about 6 or 7 mackerel. My friend caught 5 mackerel and a good sized jacksmelt.
Over all I caught two bonito and about 6 or 7 mackerel. My friend caught 5 mackerel and a good sized jacksmelt.