can you guys shed some light (yeah I just had to do it ) on what is a glow stick rig for pier fishing. I've seen them in the water at Balboa last summer when the family and I went for a walk out there, but I didn't investigate it too much.
can you guys shed some light (yeah I just had to do it ) on what is a glow stick rig for pier fishing. I've seen them in the water at Balboa last summer when the family and I went for a walk out there, but I didn't investigate it too much.
I’ve seen a guy on Santa Monica use one casting and retrieving a Carolina rig for mackerel. I’ve tried to sort of try that out by putting one of the lights that go on the cheapo eBay fishing bells in a little screw top container attached to my Sabiki, but it didn’t seem to matter too much if you had bait. Fun to see when the fish takes the bait and your light gets jerked around under water though.