Cabezon caught from piers...

Ken Jones

Staff member
We recently made up a list of piers from which rockfish have been caught and I was wondering the same thing about cabezon. In checking my records I have caught them from 25 piers, a fair number but I thought there were more). However, I know from Fish and Wildlife records that they've been caught from additional piers. From what piers have you caught them?

KJ's List —

SoCal—Long Beach Shoreline Pier, Cabrillo Mole — Avalon, Redondo Sportfishing Pier, Port Hueneme Pier, Stearns Wharf — Santa Barbara, Goleta Pier, Gaviota Pier

CenCal—Avila Pier, Port San Luis Pier, Morro Bay North T-Pier
San Simeon Pier, Monterey Coast Guard Pier, Monterey Wharf #2, Seacliff Pier — Aptos

SF Bay—Fort Point Pier — San Francisco, San Francisco Municipal Pier, Berkeley Pier
Red Rock Pier — Richmond, Elephant Rock Pier — Tiburon, Sausalito Pier, Fort Baker Pier — Sausalito

NorCal—Point Arena Pier, Commercial Street Dock — Eureka, Trinidad Pier, Citizen’s Dock — Crescent City


Well-Known Member
I know of two that were caught during late spring in th early 90s on Imperial Beach Pier. This was on the side of the pier near the end, facing north, in the area where rocks were dumped. I got one fishing live bait on a c rig and another guy got one fishing a hi low using cut bait.