Best surf rod on the market



Looking to buy a new rod currently have a odm frontier rod but i want something new lol was looking into the st croix legend or a century rod. Anyone got an opinion on these or maybe another rod?


Active Member
So what do you intend to do with this new surf rod. ODMs are great rods, but I'm pretty smitten by my SP coastal and my Team Daiwa Surf. I used to plug a lot from the sand.


Senior Member
I have a 10', four pieces, travel surf rod by St. Croix.

I love it. Caught many bonito with it at the Mole.

I just bought a Shimano 12', two pieces. Stil getting used to it.


Well-Known Member
There is no best as there are so many Suppliers with many offerings. I'd initially recommend a JDM rod for lightness/sensitivity. Considering the currency exchange I think it is a worthwhile consideration.

However if you do not want to buy overseas (understandable) I'd suggest you check out Majorcraft which is now introducing JDM Rods to the US Market.


Active Member
I’ve been using Fenwick RiverRunner Steelhead Rods. 8 1/2 foot fast taper, rated at 8-17 pound test. I run 6 pound on it. The length helps keep the line over the shore break, but is not so long to be hard to handle.


Well-Known Member
I’ve been using Fenwick RiverRunner Steelhead Rods. 8 1/2 foot fast taper, rated at 8-17 pound test. I run 6 pound on it. The length helps keep the line over the shore break, but is not so long to be hard to handle.
The length is a good point. I started off surf fishing with a 8'6" Shimano Scimitar and enjoyed fishing that rod (eventually sold it for other rods). I currently use a 9'6" Daiwa Saltist West Coast Rod and I find myself wanting a shorter rod. (Seems more manageable when dealing with lures caught on salad or tip wrap.)


Well-Known Member
I’ve been using Fenwick RiverRunner Steelhead Rods. 8 1/2 foot fast taper, rated at 8-17 pound test. I run 6 pound on it. The length helps keep the line over the shore break, but is not so long to be hard to handle.
I also fished the surf with a steelhead rod and lighter weights and line. It changed the whole surf fishing experience for me.