Best bets for mid-November pier fishing


Looking to take some friends out for a pier fishing trip sometime in the next couple weeks. The fall transition is fully underway and it seems like fishing will slow down. Which piers are considered best bets during this time of year for some decent action with casual anglers?

Ideally we'd stick around the peninsula area; I was thinking the Oyster Point area for some sharks and rays, but that's often a hit or miss too. It seems that the best striper action is in the north bay which is farther than we'd like to venture. Would any of the SF piers have better action? Torpedo, Muni, Pier 7, etc.

Even some jacksmelt action would be welcome as long as we can avoid the skunk.
Thanks for the tips. I've never really had luck at Oyster Point and didn't know perch was available. Hi-lo tipped with market squid in shore and next to pilings?
Thanks for the tips. I've never really had luck at Oyster Point and didn't know perch was available. Hi-lo tipped with market squid in shore and next to pilings?
I use 10lb hi-lo rig with #6 hooks (eagle claw pre-tied) with market shrimp.(pile worms works better, but very expensive these days) Do not go far from shore, usually facing airport side the best bet on end of high water and start of outgoing tide during light hours (never had perch there at night). One rod goes just under pier (surf perch) and another cast as far as I can along the rocks (pile perch). ...

Red Fish

Senior Member

Looking to take some friends out for a pier fishing trip sometime in the next couple weeks. The fall transition is fully underway and it seems like fishing will slow down. Which piers are considered best bets during this time of year for some decent action with casual anglers?

Ideally we'd stick around the peninsula area; I was thinking the Oyster Point area for some sharks and rays, but that's often a hit or miss too. It seems that the best striper action is in the north bay which is farther than we'd like to venture. Would any of the SF piers have better action? Torpedo, Muni, Pier 7, etc.

Even some jacksmelt action would be welcome as long as we can avoid the skunk.
You can try perch fishing at any of the piers you mentioned like Torpedo Wharf (aka Fort Point Pier). It is crabby everywhere in the Bay so if you do fish for shark/ray like off of 7, bait heavily (big piece) and keep it up off the bottom (as in hi/lo surfleader). I have used a leader 6 feet long off Pier 7 and have had luck keeping the bait away from crabs and getting a leopard or two in the past this time of year.