Berkeley Pier Fish

Ken Jones

Staff member
I need a little help from those who were regulars at the Berkeley Pier. Still working on the fish species for various piers and show the following for the Berkeley Pier. Am wondering if there are any other species that regulars spotted over the years?

Species — 42

Perch: White Seaperch, Walleye Surfperch, Silver Surfperch, Shinerperch, Blackperch, Pileperch, Rubberlip Seaperch, Dwarfperch, Striped Seaperch, Redtail Surfperch (10)

Rockfish: Brown Rockfish, Chilipepper Rockfish (Juv.), Gopher Rockfish, Kelp Rockfish, Grass Rockfish (5)

Flatfish: California Halibut, Starry Flounder, Sand Sole (3)

Sharks: Leopard Shark, Brown Smoothhound Shark, Soupfin Shark, Angel Shark (4)

Rays/Skates/Misc.: Bat Ray, Big Skate, Shovelnose Guitarfish, Thornback Ray, Sandpaper Skate (5)

Sturgeon: White Sturgeon, Green Sturgeon (2)

Croaker: White Croaker, White Seabass (2)

Silversides: Jacksmelt, Topsmelt (2)

Sculpin: Pacific Staghorn Sculpin, Cabezon (2)

Misc.: Striped Bass, Northern Anchovy, American Shad, King Salmon, Striped Kelpfish, Yellow Snake Eel, Whitespotted Greenling (7)

Netted but not caught on hook and line: California tonguefish

Ken Jones

Staff member
Wow, an impressive list. Thanks, I knew if anyone could answer the question it would be you. That brings the total to 53 species, the most of any Bay Area pier.

Ken Jones

Staff member
Ah yes. There was one report of a barracuda being caught at the pier in October 2013 but I always wondered if it was actually a lizardfish.
Accidental catch with a cast net: salmon smolt




Never identified. Was caught in the cast net.




Different angle.


One time when I was relieving myself.


Trusty ol' standbys.

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Ken Jones

Staff member
Thanks. Surprised sevengill hadn't shown on the list before. That "never identified" fish is a California butterfish aka pompano.

Ken Jones

Staff member
The list keeps growing.

Species — 55

Perch: White Seaperch, Walleye Surfperch, Silver Surfperch, Shinerperch, Blackperch, Pileperch, Rubberlip Seaperch, Dwarfperch, Striped Seaperch, Redtail Surfperch, Barred Surfperch, Sharpnose Seaperch (12)

Rockfish: Brown Rockfish, Chilipepper Rockfish (Juv.), Gopher Rockfish, Kelp Rockfish, Grass Rockfish (5)

Flatfish: California Halibut, Starry Flounder, Sand Sole, Diamond Turbot (4)

Sharks: Leopard Shark, Brown Smoothhound Shark, Sevengill Shark, Soupfin Shark, Spiny Dogfish, Angel Shark (6)

Rays/Skates/Misc.: Bat Ray, Big Skate, Shovelnose Guitarfish, Thornback Ray, Sandpaper Skate (5)

Sturgeon: White Sturgeon, Green Sturgeon (2)

Croaker: White Croaker, White Seabass (2)

Silversides: Jacksmelt, Topsmelt (2)

Sculpin: Pacific Staghorn Sculpin, Cabezon, Buffalo Sculpin (3)

Misc.: Striped Bass, Northern Anchovy, American Shad, Pacific Herring, Pacific Sardine, Night Smelt, King Salmon, Striped Kelpfish, Giant Kelpfish, Yellow Snake Eel, Whitespotted Greenling, Red Gunnel, Sarcastic Fringehead, Pipefish (14)

+ Netted — California tonguefish, California butterfish, Stickleback = 3
Just thinking out loud, I wonder if anyone had caught a monkeyface prickleback from there.

I've caught one very near the pier myself just off the rocks. I guess you'd have to make a snaggy cast towards the rocks to make it happen from the pier though.