Before there was an Ocean Beach Pier...


Well-Known Member
1707088608232.png I wonder if it's the same area as this new construction. Completed in 2024. Looks like it has a pedestrian path. I imagine it's posted as "NO FISHING."


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I know it's not allowed, but what would it take for fishing to be legalized in some areas.
I'd think there'd be a need for this sort of thing in some places like Mission Bay. Building a pier is prohibitive for numerous reasons.
Back east, the Keys and other areas have bridges that can legally be fished from.
I know liability issues would be a hurdle. I mean, hitting a passing windshield with a pyramid sinker might raise a few eyebrows. Still, driving up to your favorite hotspot and fishing the incoming tide would be a blast, if it was legal. Just a thought.



Active Member
There is fishing allowed on the Pacific Coast Highway bridge crossing the Santa Ana River inlet, the Warner Ave bridge crossing the Bolsa Bay (only the westbound side), and the Marina Drive bridge crossing the San Gabriel River inlet. While these spots do not offer as much fishing space as other bridges, they do see some decent fishing. I have personally seen excellent action off of the San Gabriel River inlet bridge.