Finally got out to fish after brutal summer classes and recovering from an injury. I got to the pier at 5:30 am, and started fishing a 15 gram jigpara for a steady pick on small-medium mackerel. Once the sun came out, the bite slowed somewhat, but scattered schools of medium-sized sardines began aggregating around the pier. At around 9:30, the sardines disappeared, leaving only a slowish mackerel bite. Of note, I saw two very small bonito being caught (sardine sized), which thankfully were released. Additionally, it appears the city has installed two sets of wires high above the railings at the end section of the pier to prevent overhead casting. However, these wires made it difficult to get sabikis over the railing, and contributed to most of the fish that I had lost today, as fish would often get knocked loose as I tried to maneuver the rod and rig through the limited space.