Sardine Hell:
Went to Balboa pier in an effort to catch some bonito or mackerel. I got to the pier at 6:50 am, towards the tail end of incoming high tide. The water was stained green and cold, but otherwise conditions looked good. I started off throwing a sabiki near the end. It didn't take long to start hooking into sardines, and just about nothing else. As far as I could tell, the only thing people were catching in numbers was sardines. Even after switching to a micro jig I continued to hook them. I moved down to the first 'T' near the surf to try fishing live bait, and to get away from the sardines. The sardines followed me there, in fact, closer to the surf, they got denser. I dropped a live bait by the pilings and tried to catch literally anything else on a baited sabiki. I managed one decent sized jacksmelt, but otherwise it was the same as before. I left at 10:00 when it was apparent that all I would catch was more sardines.
Went to Balboa pier in an effort to catch some bonito or mackerel. I got to the pier at 6:50 am, towards the tail end of incoming high tide. The water was stained green and cold, but otherwise conditions looked good. I started off throwing a sabiki near the end. It didn't take long to start hooking into sardines, and just about nothing else. As far as I could tell, the only thing people were catching in numbers was sardines. Even after switching to a micro jig I continued to hook them. I moved down to the first 'T' near the surf to try fishing live bait, and to get away from the sardines. The sardines followed me there, in fact, closer to the surf, they got denser. I dropped a live bait by the pilings and tried to catch literally anything else on a baited sabiki. I managed one decent sized jacksmelt, but otherwise it was the same as before. I left at 10:00 when it was apparent that all I would catch was more sardines.