Balboa Pier 7/25


Well-Known Member
No Social Distancing Part Four, I Know This Joke Isn't Funny Anymore

Headed to Balboa Pier at 7:20 am, around dead low tide. Conditions looked good, minimal wind and calm water. I set up behind the Rubys on the south side. Lots of sardines, as per the last few trips, but this time, mini mackerel were also mixed in. Around 10, I saw a spot open up at the very end, and moved there. Lots of people already had small bonito in their buckets, but at that point the bite was over. I jigged a sabiki for some more sardines, mini mackerel, jacksmelt, and a round herring (Etrumeus acuminatus), a more southern species that has been occasionally showing ever since 2015. I left the pier at 12:20.


Well-Known Member
Late addition, but I finally got off my rear and resized the pictures of the round herring. It had extremely loose scales (much more so than the average sardine) and had essentially scaled itself while I was trying to unhook it. Last time I caught one of these was 2015 at Balboa.
round herring.jpg