Very late, short report; I've been swamped with exams and other schoolwork.
Took the 6 am ferry out to Avalon and started off fishing the Mole a two-hook feather rig. I hooked a 18" bonito fairly quickly, but afterwards fishing was brutally slow; I cast jigs, feathers, and splashers until around 2 pm for nothing except for a short calico. There were no opaleye to be seen, and blacksmith and garibaldi appeared to be by far the most abundant fish around the kelp. The anglers around me were having similar luck, with only 5 landed between 4 anglers. I moved to the GPP for a short while, but fishing there was similarly tough, with only one whitefish to show for maybe an hour of fishing. I headed back to the Mole by 4, and fished squid on a single dropper loop for endless small whitefish and a 14" calico.
Took the 6 am ferry out to Avalon and started off fishing the Mole a two-hook feather rig. I hooked a 18" bonito fairly quickly, but afterwards fishing was brutally slow; I cast jigs, feathers, and splashers until around 2 pm for nothing except for a short calico. There were no opaleye to be seen, and blacksmith and garibaldi appeared to be by far the most abundant fish around the kelp. The anglers around me were having similar luck, with only 5 landed between 4 anglers. I moved to the GPP for a short while, but fishing there was similarly tough, with only one whitefish to show for maybe an hour of fishing. I headed back to the Mole by 4, and fished squid on a single dropper loop for endless small whitefish and a 14" calico.