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Hi Fishers,

My name is Jonathan Garza. I am a public relations student at California State University, Long Beach (CSULB). I'm in a class where we have a mock PR agency called Harbor PR, and our client is the CSULB Shark Lab. We have been tasked with coming up with a campaign creating awareness of the importance of white sharks, with our audience being fishers.

We have surveyed fishers at CSULB, and were led to this and other fishing forums and were wondering if you could help us to gain research insight from fishers for our campaign.

The survey will not take any long than 10 minutes. It can be accessed here: https://csulb.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_2boWacFlHvnieC9

Thank you,

Jonathan Garza

P.S. If you have any questions or comments, please email me at jonathan.garza@student.csulb.edu.
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Done. For one of the questions that asked where you purchase your fishing supplies, there should be a box for all of the above, or at least let you check multiple boxes. I guess clicking others and manually type in the answer will do.


New member
I'm not participating either. Even data collected via a 'legit' survey can (read: "almost certainly will") be used in ways you did not explicitly agree to or approve of. Also consider that many so-called surveys are not really about about collecting data, but inserting ideas into people's minds. "Would you vote for candidate X if you knew that he violated Y law?" But PR firms don't do those kinds of things, right?...

Ken Jones

Staff member
Perhaps I should have researched it further but it is up to each individual as to whether or not he/she wishes to participate. Given the amount of data secretly collected upon each of us by a plethora of means this survey seems pretty tame. It reminds me of a meeting we had years ago at Anderson Valley High School when the government announced that all boys (I think it was just boys) had to register for the draft even though there wasn't a draft. If you didn't register you weren't eligible for college aid. "Experts" were brought in, most of whom had been anti-war activists at one time or another. I remember one of them saying to the parents and kids that it didn't really matter. If their fear was about giving out personal information (name, address, age, etc.) it was too late, all that was already available to the government in many, many ways. Yes, they could refuse to register but it would only be a symbolic act. Most registered.

Nevertheless, I understand Glen's concern. Privacy is privacy and we give too much of it away far too often and far too easily. But, much of it is unknowingly given away. Google, Facebook, Twitter, etc. are collecting information non-stop and there doesn't seem to be much we can do about it—so far.

I heard yesterday that Amazon wants to use new technology that registers "the feelings" of individuals. That way they could target specific goods at individuals, i.e., goods to cheer you up if depressed. Sounds scary to me.

PS., Just figured out how to move a thread to a different forum.
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That is the truth! Your ice fishing posts are amazing. I cannot compare my boyhood experience in Northern Illinois. Like a glorified outhouse filled with chain smoking elders--and no mountains. Few see Utah like that. Gorgeous. But you are an angler. You have more than a clue, you have a plan. It shows.
Thanks Glen.
At the risk of side tracking from the thread and with apologies to the OP, I will be going to Colorado in December to fish with Bill Varney and try to catch some Northern pikes. Reports to follow.