Woodies on the Wharf 6/24/23

Hit the SC Wharf with my wife and son for the second weekend in a row. We fished from 10:30 to 330pm.

The "Woodies on the Wharf" car event was in full swing so parking was at a premium... There were a few fishing spots with signs marked "No fishing or crabbing" due to the event in addition to the parking hassle. Gearheads and fisherman got along just fine as all posted rules were followed and the mutual goal of a fun Saturday appeared to be had by all present. We even shared some bait with an attending gearhead who broke out his rod and reel when the car event finished =)

The fishing was so-so. The wind came up around noon, a full two hours ahead of the forecast... We toughed it out and managed many jacksmelt in the 6 to 12 inch range all returned as they were too big for live bait.

Late in the afternoon, a school of sanddabs moved in to the area we fished and my son managed a few on the border of eating size. Given the glut of tasty little flat fish in the freezer from our party boat venture earlier in the year, a stay of execution was passed down and all were returned.

The highlight of the day was yet another salmonid, caught by my wife this time;

During our post fishing pizza session, my wife did some research and found an article regarding a release of juvenile salmon at the wharf. Perhaps that was the source of this fish?

https://www.santacruzsentinel.com/2...June 1, 2023 at,salmon into the Pacific Ocean.

This fish looks a bit different and was about twice as large as the smolt from our previous session. This fish was minimally handled and returned to the water asap.

Another trip with no keeper fish but a "bad" day fishing is better than a good day doing anything else!