Recipes for Opaleye

Ken Jones

Staff member
McClane’ s Fish Buyer’s Guide: Opaleye — (A) Flavor: mild (B) Texture: firm (C) Flake: small (D) Fat Content: low (E) Odor (Raw): moderate (F) Color after Cooking: off white (G) Cooking Methods: all methods

Posted by Ken Jones on April 4, 2004

What's your best recipe for opaleye?

Posted by snookie

Like surfperch, I just fillet them and fry them in butter with a fine coat of cornmeal and flour. I salt and peppered them and also used some garlic powder. They can be tasty. Snookie

Posted by whiskerfish

In my opinion, opaleyes are best bbq whole. Because of their tough skin, they cook well over charcoal. First, gut the fish and clean out all gill parts. Remember to clean out the blood under the air bladder. Leave scales and fins on. Stuff two green onion bulbs into stomach cavity. Let charcoal burn till amber red and throw the whole fish in. (On the rack of course.) Cook until fins are burnt or until skin begins to crack and shrink. On the side, prepare chopped scallons and fry in olive oil until aroma begins to release. After removing fish from the bbq, peel skin and scale off (it should come off very easy), spread the olive/onion over the meat and sprinkle your favorite seasoning. My favorites are salt, pepper, lemon pepper, lemon, and chile powder (sparingly). Must be served right off the bbq.
Enjoy, WF

Posted by dcc

In my opinion, opaleye taste great. Here is how I prepared the fish:

First rub some salt over the fish inside and outside, add some slices of ginger inside the fish, add some saki or white cooking wine to the fish, then you can wrap the plastic foils over the fish. Put the fish in Microwave for 6 minutes. (This of course depends on the intensity of your microwave). In another bowl, add some fish sauce (anchovy extract from Thailand), sugar, oyster sauce, sugar, and vinegar.

In another pan, heat up the olive oil.

When the fish is done from microwave, take it out, pour the sauce over the fish, cut some green onions and put on top of the fish, now you can pour the hot olive oil over the fish. It is now ready to eat.

You can get the oyster sauce, and fish sauce from Asian market. It is really cheap—$1 for the fish sauce and $3 for the oyster sauce.