Cabrillo Mole 12/12/2021


Well-Known Member
A friend from Missouri visiting Los Angeles and wishing to go fishing with me so I took him to Cabrillo Mole for a short day Bonito fishing. We fished lowering tide with some north winds for the most of time. We had occasional hits on our metal baits and farmed some good sized ones but we lost most of them to the kelp by the mole which is growing well. We managed to land a few. Was initially planning to leave at 1pm but changed to 4pm to see if we could see more actions but none entrained us. In the morning there were some birds far from shore but they never came close. The best parts of the trip was to reclaim a new down jacket in a stuff sack that I managed to drop on ocean and to meet Ken for the first time! He took a nice picture of us and put it up on his post. Thank you Ken. Would love to fish with you next time.



Well-Known Member
Nice to see the bones back! How were you letting the jig sink and what retrieve?
Oh I tried everything from top, shallow, mid-range, deep-range, and bottom all casting pretty far. Mid to bottom was the answer for that day. Nothing on top. I also change up retrieving some as I change jigs. Few hits on simple retrieving with no jerk when using a large action jig. But mostly, I use one-pitch-one-jerk or half-pitch-one-jerk as my base then mix things up. Tight lines! -FN