The Malihini...

Ken Jones

Staff member
When down at the Day At The Docks in San Diego a couple of weeks ago I noticed the Malihini sitting off at a little distance away among the H&M Landing boats. It brought back memories of a trip on the Malihini to the Coronado Islands on June 23, 1976. It was a good trip! I caught 5 California barracuda averaging 5 pounds in size, a large Pacific bonito, and a 21-pound California yellowtail that won the $56 jackpot. I caught the yellowtail early in the day, around 6:30, and was in the gunnysack all the day (luckily they occasionally put water on the sacks). Around 12:30, shortly before heading back in, another angler caught a similar-sized yellowtail. I was a little afraid that my fish might have dried out enough to miss the jackpot but when they put them on the scale mine was the larger. I took my winnings back to the Bay Area and used it to buy a new striped bass rod I had been eyeing.

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