Last minute trip before shipping off to college.
I missed the 6 am ferry on Wednesday, and the next boat wasn't leaving until 9:50. I decided to wait at the terminal, and as I was waiting, I walked around the general harbor area. I saw some boils in the harbor, and a fresh dead baby white seabass in the rocks. Once I got to the island, I went straight for the GPP, as my hotel check in time was 2 pm. Conditions looked good, as there was a lot of perfect bait-sized smelt in the water. I fished a float rig on one rod and a live smelt on the other. I got a lot of short strikes on the smelt (probably small calico), an octopus and innumerable shorts on the float rig, with a couple opaleye mixed in. After checking into my hotel room, I walked over to Pebbly Beach. I fished chunks of mackerel on fishfinder rigs, and, around 2:30, had some action. I had two screaming runs that busted me off in the rocks, and was able to land one decent sized leopard. I also caught a largemouth blenny on a dropper loop with squid. At around 5 pm, I walked back to the GPP. I fished a 3-way rig with squid on one outfit and a float rig on the other. I caught mostly short calico, but had three serious runs on the big rod, all of which busted me off in the moorings. I managed to land a smallish shovelnose and one of the largest horn sharks I have ever seen. I called it quits at around 9:30 and went back to my hotel room.
The next morning, I got up at 7 am and began fishing the GPP. Again, I was plagued by short calico, but managed to scrape out a few opaleye. At around 11 pm, I made the walk to Pebbly beach. I fished the same rigs as yesterday but had no love. I took the 3:50 boat home.
Lots of pictures incoming:
apparently the construction workers have been doing well on the bonito, barracuda, and even yellowtail in their spare time
I wear 11 1/2 shoes

I missed the 6 am ferry on Wednesday, and the next boat wasn't leaving until 9:50. I decided to wait at the terminal, and as I was waiting, I walked around the general harbor area. I saw some boils in the harbor, and a fresh dead baby white seabass in the rocks. Once I got to the island, I went straight for the GPP, as my hotel check in time was 2 pm. Conditions looked good, as there was a lot of perfect bait-sized smelt in the water. I fished a float rig on one rod and a live smelt on the other. I got a lot of short strikes on the smelt (probably small calico), an octopus and innumerable shorts on the float rig, with a couple opaleye mixed in. After checking into my hotel room, I walked over to Pebbly Beach. I fished chunks of mackerel on fishfinder rigs, and, around 2:30, had some action. I had two screaming runs that busted me off in the rocks, and was able to land one decent sized leopard. I also caught a largemouth blenny on a dropper loop with squid. At around 5 pm, I walked back to the GPP. I fished a 3-way rig with squid on one outfit and a float rig on the other. I caught mostly short calico, but had three serious runs on the big rod, all of which busted me off in the moorings. I managed to land a smallish shovelnose and one of the largest horn sharks I have ever seen. I called it quits at around 9:30 and went back to my hotel room.
The next morning, I got up at 7 am and began fishing the GPP. Again, I was plagued by short calico, but managed to scrape out a few opaleye. At around 11 pm, I made the walk to Pebbly beach. I fished the same rigs as yesterday but had no love. I took the 3:50 boat home.
Lots of pictures incoming:

apparently the construction workers have been doing well on the bonito, barracuda, and even yellowtail in their spare time

I wear 11 1/2 shoes