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  1. Bendopolo

    Trip south...

    You should hit Tuesday Morning Snookie and Crowd, Early Season Fish Report from Balboa Pier.
  2. Bendopolo

    Catalina deal

    Groupon has round trips out of Newport for $46.20 right now for weekday travel.
  3. Bendopolo

    Fish ID

    When I caught my first one, it looked like a giant Sardine. The bigger they get the more they fill out.
  4. Bendopolo


    Those Roe Sacks, cut in 1 inch chunks, were great Trout, Steelhead, Sirf Fishing Bait. Powdered in Borax and frozen, they lasted for a year in the freezer.
  5. Bendopolo

    The way fishing at Newport used to be —

    I fished Balboa Pier starting in the mid-60s. Even then the fishing was great when you got on the pattern. Somedays it was sight casting to Corbina with Sand Crabs, the next week we threw white Bonita Feather Jigs for Halibut. A lot of times you could drop that Jig next to any piling and slowly...
  6. Bendopolo

    Cabrillo Mole - Catalina Island Shore Fishing 1/6/25

    By the way, that Professional Fisherman is Bob Schelly. He provides Tackle and Bait, charges $50/hr per person and can be reached at (760) 799-3602. He is a long time resident of Avalon and is a Goldmine of information about the town, where to eat, what to do on the Island, and a Wizard at...
  7. Bendopolo

    Why have Fishing Catch Numbers Declined?

    I’m surprised the stories haven’t shown up for us guys with 60+ years on the Pier. Huge schools of WSB, Yellowtail, Barracuda, Bonito. They would swim by for hours. Huge Halibut that would come up and hit out Bonito Flys behind homemade our Shovel Handle Splashers. Threshers spooling you in...
  8. Bendopolo

    How To Fish A Pier

    Didn’t know how to get this pic to you. A decent pic of the Catalina Mole.tou are free to use or toss.
  9. Bendopolo

    Avalon Skiff Trip 8/26

    Way late, but good for next trip. I also know a Shore/Pier fishing Guide there. Bob Schelly. PM me for his number.
  10. Bendopolo

    Some names and vocabulary anglers should know —

    Scooped - When a Perch just gets the eggs off your Sand Crab Tail Tugger- When a fish pulls down the bait you are using without getting hooked Zig Pow - When you get a bite, it starts running and breaks you off Spooled - Fish takes all your line Making Bait - using a small Sabiki to catch...
  11. Bendopolo

    Fog and Fishing

    Fog has nothing to do with it. It is all about the Tide and water Temperatures. Sand Crabs are free and work well also. Got money? Ghost Shrimp are king. Use a light wire hook that threads all the way thru the Shrimp.
  12. Bendopolo

    Fish Identification help

    Here is the paperwork to back it up.
  13. Bendopolo

    Some more Balboa fish...

    What, no Pile Perch, Walleyed Surf Perch, Barred Surfperch, Striped Bass, Mullet, Barracuda, Giant Squid, Mako/Blue/Thresher/Leopard Sharks, Yellowfin Tuna, Bat Rays, Round Stingrays, Butterfly Rays, Thornbacks, Jacksmelt, Grunion….Balboa Pier is amazing…
  14. Bendopolo

    San Clemente Pier - May 30th

    I’m an antsy fisherman too. I still catch plenty of Spotfin by concentrating on areas where they thrive. There is a greater population off San Onofre State Beach and Bolsa Chica State Beach. They are mostly just outside the Surfline but sometimes we sight fish them. I get 90% of mine throwing...
  15. Bendopolo

    San Clemente Pier - May 30th

    I’ve caught a lot of Spotfin on Sand Crabs, the ones with Orange Eggs work the best.
  16. Bendopolo

    Striped Mullet

    While they look exactly the same, the world over, Mullet act very different geographically. In Louisiana you can catch them at will on fish skin, right outside the Public Fish Cleaning Tables in Venice. In Florida, they didn’t take a second look. I’ve had California Mullet slash at Roostertail...
  17. Bendopolo

    Balboa Harbor

    For comparison, on Sunday I caught 38 Spotties and 3 Halibut off my Kayak on 1/4 oz jighead and a ZMan Streakz in Mud Minnow. All the fish were on a single jig and it will still catch 30 more before it gets too messed up. These fish were off the Coast Guard in the main Shipping Channel. Just so...
  18. Bendopolo

    Advice Needed on Catching Striped Bass in SF Area

    Throw White Jigs or White Underspins.
  19. Bendopolo

    Keeper finally

    It’s the season, the Grunion start bringing in the Gamefish.
  20. Bendopolo

    ID of Fish

    Back when Newport Bay was loaded with Striped Bass. Every Deepbody Anchovy we caught resulted in a Striper. They would pester a regular Anchovy and follow it around and occasionally eat one, but the Deepbodys were lethal !