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  1. nacho

    Recipes for Crabs — Dungeness, Red Crabs, Rock Crabs and Spider Crabs

    One complex issue when boiling crabs is getting the "right point of salt" What I do is to bring clean ocean water and boil them there. The boiling should kill anything in the water (and the crabs where living in it anyway), and contains exactly the right point of salt.
  2. nacho

    Santa Cruz, Saturday 09.

    Thanks all for your responses and encouragement!
  3. nacho

    Santa Cruz, Saturday 09.

    Hi, This Saturday after refreshing on pier techniques from Ken's excellent book I tried fishing from Santa Cruz. I tried for flat fish with squid at the end of the pier. Nothing. I tried for jacksmelt at the end and middle of the pier, with anchovies, shrimp and squid. Nothing. I tried close...
  4. nacho

    Santa Cruz shore based fishing

    Hi 'Red Fish'. You can try. I went this weekend as well and there was some more action, mostly perches, but not a lot. I was also getting a lot of bites from kelpfish (or similar), that were very good at stealing my bait. Thinking they were smaller perches I changed my hooks to #6 or smaller...
  5. nacho

    How many rods are allowed from the surf while targeting Dungeness crab

    Some people are quite sure about the regulations even if they are wrong about it... for instance, while fishing for perch from the rocks of Santa Cruz a guy try to convince me I could not use two rods and I was going to be fined by a ranger that was always checking for that... I'm still waiting ;-).
  6. nacho

    Santa Cruz shore based fishing

    Hi, I went fishing a couple of times during this weekend to Santa Cruz. It was quite dead. All I managed to hook after a total of around 7 hours combined was a striped surfperch and a small grass rockfish. I tried octopus, shrimp and squid without differences in action. Regards N.
  7. nacho

    What's your favorite pier...

    Santa Cruz. Got me into ocean fishing. Long and interesting.
  8. nacho

    Santa Cruz Pier

    Thanks Ken!
  9. nacho

    Santa Cruz: Red Tide

    Last Sunday there was a quite impressive red tide at Santa Cruz wharf. You can check the pictures below. Some questions: What is the effect of this on fishing? Can this produce toxicity on fish, in particular anchovies?
  10. nacho

    Santa Cruz Pier

    There was an amazing red tide this Sunday, but even with that I got few anchovies. Only problem is: Anchovies might be toxic during red tides.
  11. nacho

    Muni Pier 8/5/19

  12. nacho

    Recipies for anchovies

    Thanks for the interesting information and article. I always remove the viscera (mainly because they are bitter!). One question. How do you know that there was a red tide on Capitola wharf? Just because of the color of the water? I'm not sure that all DA-producing dinoflagelates turn water red...
  13. nacho

    Recipies for anchovies

    I have tried 'Boquerones en vinagre' so many times. It is a very good 'tapa', on top of a small, slightly roasted piece of bread. Preparing them is easy... and complicated at the same time. The type of vinegar, the concentration of it, and the time you left the anchovies on it is crucial. Too...
  14. nacho

    Recipies for anchovies

    So far I'm not aware of anything wrong with the scale in anchovies... except you might not like finding them. It might actually be healthy to eat them: Regards N.
  15. nacho

    Pacifica 8/7

    Not sure if it responds your questions, but perch bites are quite characteristic. One or two sharp, but short bites to 'try', then the good one. Always very sharp bites from perch. Once you have felt some they are so easy to detect. Regards
  16. nacho

    Pacifica 8/4

    Thanks for the report. Very detailed.
  17. nacho

    Central Coast Rocks 6/25 Plus 7/8-7/11/19 Camping

    Wow. Some of those grassies look quite fat indeed.
  18. nacho

    Oyster point pier 7/28

    Great. What are the minimum sizes to take gill sharks?