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    Newport Pier 6/29

    good luck with that ,sorry to be negative but if they fish and wild life aren't there don't expect any results
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    Halibut feeding at the surface...

    wow never have witnessed that thanks
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    East Bay Halibut

    continued good health to you and good fishing
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    Some pics from the Veterans Belmont Pier in Long Beach...

    Nice pictures, sailboats are getting ready for the congressional cup soon end of pier will be closed to fishing for a few days .
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    Happy Easter everyone...

    Happy Easter to all the pier rats
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    Veteran's Memorial Pier March 5th

    thanks for the report some day i will see you there. and yes the mentally disturbed persons on the pier and parking lot are making me take pause about fishing that pier ,I'm usually alone , such a sad state of affairs
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    How a question about the nomenclature of fishing sites became a fight about schools and education

    Hmm so glad we don't do politics on this site otherwise not many places to escape it:cool:
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    What kind of angler are you?

    Traditionalist with little Zen mixed in.
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    He had a way with senoritas...

    Not out dated just ebb and flow we all appreciate this place
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    Bart Hall Show with Mahigeer

    Excellent, I have been to Manzanar several times humbling seen the movie to,strong people resourceful .I missed the show this year , next time ,thanks for the report.
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    Cabrillo Mole 1/25/2024 (Catalina Express changed the way handling Commuter Book)

    Beautiful Catalina in the winter green peaceful and calm,and a nice Bonito to go with it,life is good thanks
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    Bonito filleting.

    Bonito are great eating ,handle right after catching ,great baked whole ,grilled filets all very good ,very underrated by many.
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    My first trip to Catalina

    Great Post, I remember taking the ss catalina to Avalon when i was young ,I was amazed at the clear water and was fun watching the kids dive for coins that the passengers would toss over .Back then i fished with a handline catching some perch and assorted other species. good memories Thanks
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    Nice, Im still here Thanks
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    Merry Christmas

    Merry Christmas to all and a very fishy New Year .
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    November 2023 Fishing Report, SoCal #289

    Thanks Ken for the reports,fishing has been somewhat slow lately . as far as law enforcement it just doesn't seem like there around much ,I don't know if there focused more on the boats but i think it would help if they showed up once in a while game wardens and police,laws are being broken...