Using Fish As Bait — Brown Bait

Ken Jones

Staff member
Brown Bait — This is simply a term used for small white croaker, Genyonemus lineatus (aka tomcod or kingfish) and queenfish, Seriphus politus (aka herring) that are used for bait (generally live bait). Both are among the leading pier caught fish in southern California while white croaker are also available in central California and the Bay Area. Both are generally unavailable at bait shops but, as said, are frequently caught at most piers. Generally the smaller fish are used as bait but even the larger fish can be used when seeking out large fish like sharks.

White Croaker aka tom cod aka tommy croaker aka kingfish etc.

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Where: Primarily used as live bait in southern California for halibut, white seabass, sharks and rays, or as dead bait for sharks and rays. Used as cut bait for almost any bottom species.

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How: As live bait, most often hooked in the snout although anal hooked brown bait is better for halibut. Dead bait can be used whole or as chunks depending upon fish being sought.

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